I need to thank a lot of people who have given us such wonderful support in the last year.
I need to thank a lot of people who have given us such wonderful support in the last year.
Jon Cannon, graphic designer. When Jon told me months ago that the paper stock he managed to find for our leaflet would excite me like no paper had ever managed to excite I thought he was joking. He wasn't. It is indeed fabulous and even better with his drawings and layout.
A huge thanks to everyone at Museums Sheffield but in particular Kirstie Hamilton, Louise Pullen and Alison Morton who like what we proposed and offered us the the commission.
Thanks to Amy Farry at Museums Sheffield to organise the photo shoot with Scott Merrylees photographer for local and regional papers. And thank you also for arranging the interview with BBC radio Sheffield that gave us another opportunity to tell their radio audience all about our project.
Special thanks to Ruth Nutter, the enthusiastic programme manager for Ruskin in Sheffield who gave us the idea.
Film maker/artst Steve Pool made a short film about our project that will run alongside the exhibit. Using footage from another film maker, Catherine Burgess, as well as spending some time with us in our studios, he managed to capture a few nice moments. Thank you Steve and Catherine. You can see the films in the exhibition.
Of course we need to thank the people at The Guild of St George and Arts Council England who financially backed our project. I'm especially grateful that this support made it possible for me to concentrate almost fully on developing my illustration skills over the past year.
We are also grateful to Yorkshire Artspace who have been re-tweeting our progress throughout the year.
Steve Slack from Northern Soul reviewed the piece in his article from 31 January - you can read it here
And I personally want to thank my family and friends for patiently waiting for me to finish what I started over a year ago. You have been fantastic. And last but not least, Henk Littlewood for collaborating on this project. We didn't know each other all that well when we started and I'm pleased that we are still talking and laughing. It has been really good to work with a great craftsman (although I'm not sure if he likes to be called that).
In The Making - Ruskin creativity and craftsmanship, is on at Millennium Gallery Sheffield to 5th June 2016.