So there .... a year and a half of interviewing, researching, discussing, designing, painting, worrying, installing ...... followed by 6 weeks, 24 days, 4 talks, 2 radio interviews and 3 written texts for the At Your Service exhibition.
All in Exhibition
So there .... a year and a half of interviewing, researching, discussing, designing, painting, worrying, installing ...... followed by 6 weeks, 24 days, 4 talks, 2 radio interviews and 3 written texts for the At Your Service exhibition.
The NHS belongs to the people. It is there to improve our health and well being, supporting us to keep mentally and physically well, to get better when we are ill and, when we cannot fully recover, to stay as well as we can to the end of our lives.
The last couple of months seem to have flown by. In June I finished the final interview with Yerusalem from Italy and I'm now on my last few paintings, starting to plan the exhibition at Yorkshire Artspace that opens on 27th September.
I have been working on a portrait of a European employee from Russia. Bizarrely, neither of us knew whether Russia was a European country. I initially felt a bit stupid but Bogdana wasn't quite sure herself where Russia belonged. Interesting conversation with a very quiet intelligent woman.
The best thing that happened in the last couple of months was that I was lucky to get a temporary space to work within Yorkshire Artspace - right on the top floor, overlooking the city.
To date I have interviewed 4 Europeans who are all working at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and all 4 of them have been really interesting, kind and very generous with their time.
Yesterday, 29th March 2017, Prime Minister Theresa May triggered Article 50 in order for the UK to start negotiating its way out of the European Union.
I'm just waiting for my flight back to the UK, sitting in Eindhoven airport watching airplanes landing and taking off and wondering whether this trip has been worthwhile ....